Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Response from Beach about the "problems to be solved with uniforms"

Here's the e-mail I got back from Beach administration:
There have been 23 incidents of fighting this year. None involved clothing issues
2nd Grade: 2
4th grade: 2
6th grade: 10
7th grade: 7
8th grade: 2
There have been no bullying incidents involving clothing issues.
If you need a different set of stats please ask.

So, I take it, there are no problems to be solved with uniforms. So we are actually discussing this because someone put a piece of paper in the suggestion box. Wow. Crazy.

Here's my thought - let's spend some time figuring out how to give our kids the kind of education they deserve. Let's get artists, musicians, performers participating in our school, let's get parents involved, let's provide our kids with an educational atmosphere they deserve. I'm just sayin' . . . (and yes I am still snarky about this - and maybe snarky will get our kids what they deserve)

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